Thursday, December 26, 2019

Imagery in Macbeth by William Shakespeare - 1172 Words

Imagery in Macbeth William Shakespeare use of imagery creates a picture in the mind of his audiences that tells a thousand words. In most of his literary work, he shows the importance of imagery, and how authors can manipulate a readers feelings towards a character. In Macbeth, one of Shakespeare’s greatest plays, he shows his very skillfully uses imagery. Macbeth is one of the great tragedy themed plays by William Shakespeare. It’s about three witches that decide to manipulate a Scottish general called Macbeth when he returns from a war. The Scottish king, Duncan, honors Macbeth with the title Thane of Cawdor for his heroic. Macbeth and his friend Banquo meet the witches. They predict that he will one day become king. So he decides that he will murder King Duncan. Macbeths wife agrees to his plan, and so his ambition builds. In The play Macbeth written by William Shakespeare, his use of imagery is display through symbolism of light and darkness, Macbeth ill-fitting gar ments and the images of blood. In many of Shakespeares works, readers are introduced to the idea of light and dark. Often these two are symbols of good and evil. Shakespeare use of the theme light vs. darkness is used to show a conflict between two opposing sides. To begin Darkness shows up more throughout the play. An example of this is the witches that cause chaos and confusion to other characters. As critic Spurgeon states â€Å"the witches are secret, black and midnight hags† (Spurgeon 112). The witchesShow MoreRelatedImagery in Macbeth by William Shakespeare702 Words   |  3 PagesImagery in Macbeth The tragedy of Macbeth is a compelling story by William Shakespeare about the fall of a once noble man who becomes a tragic hero. The story of Macbeth is about a man who let his desires result in him becoming an evil man. Shakespeare uses many forms of writing to portray his story; one main technique used is imagery. Imagery is used consistently throughout Macbeth to help the reader thoroughly understand the theme of the play. Many forms of imagery are used, however, theRead MoreThe Imagery Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare980 Words   |  4 PagesThe imagery of Macbeth institutes a dark, evil aura that surrounds nearly every aspect of the play. Images of evil beings, murder, as well as the natural and supernatural help to set this sinister mood throughout the play. The three witches are a dominant source of evil in Macbeth. They are the first characters introduced, emphasizing their significance in the play as well as their aura of darkness. Their first meeting takes place in thunder and lightening, a dark, chaotic, and dangerous environmentRead MoreImagery in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Essay example532 Words   |  3 PagesImagery is a way to amplify theme in Macbeth by William Shakespeare. It portrays many different themes in the play. Imagery is used in many different ways, such as blood, animals and, light and dark. Blood plays a significant role in this play and there is a lot of blood being shed, giving us a sense of horror and guilt. Macbeth makes his first kill after killing Duncan and he is freaking out about the blood on his hands. â€Å" Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No: thisRead MoreImagery of Blood, Light and Clothing in Macbeth by William Shakespeare540 Words   |  3 PagesImagery of Blood, Light and Clothing in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Imagery, the art of making images, the product of imagination (Merriam- Webster). Shakespeare uses many forms of imagery in his writing of Macbeth. Three main forms of imagery in this play are blood, light and darkness, and clothing. Within each form of this imagery Shakespeare incorporates symbols that the reader must understand if they are to interpret either the passage or the play as a whole. In Macbeth blood symbolizesRead MoreTheme Of Blood Imagery In Macbeth872 Words   |  4 Pages MACBETH’S FALL INTO EVIL Shakespeare uses imagery to show Macbeth’s fall into evil. Darkness is invariably associated with evil and to a certain extent deception. William Shakespeare employs the imagery of darkness throughout his play of Macbeth. He uses dark images often to describe instruments of disorder and the evils which characters portray. Macbeth is a tragedy that was written by Shakespeare in the Elizabethan Era. In Elizabethan England night air was said to be impure and rheumy and itRead MoreTheme Of Animal Imagery In Macbeth925 Words   |  4 PagesShakespeare is unarguably famous for his creative and vivid use of imagery in his acclaimed plays. Animal imagery is one literary device he uses often to develop theme and characterize individuals in his plays. One of his most prominent tragedies, Macbeth, contains many examples of animal imagery, most of which characterizes Macbeth himself. Animal imagery at the beginning of the tragedy, such as the comparison of Macbeth to an eagle and a lion, characterize him as loyal, brave, and honorable. AsRead MoreTaking a Look at Shakespeares Imagery Essay1012 Words   |  5 Pageswritings. Three of his most famous major works are Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and Hamlet. They are timeless and classics. It is even a question as to why they have lasted to this day. It is most likely because of Shakespeare’s popularity, imagery, and writing style. Shakespeare was wildly popular during the Elizabethan era. He, unlike like many authors during this time, was actually famous while he was alive. While Shakespeare was regarded as the foremost dramatist of his time, evidence indicatesRead MoreEssay on Images, Imagery, Symbols, and Symbolism in Macbeth1723 Words   |  7 PagesImagery and Symbolism in Macbeth  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   With its eye-opening plot and interesting cast of characters, William Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth is one of the greatest works one could ever read. But, above all, the aspect of the play is most impressive and overwhelming with imagery and symbolism that Shakespeare so brilliantly uses. Throughout the play, the author depicts various types of imagery and symbolism instances that, eventually, lead to the downfall of the main character, Macbeth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Read MoreEssay on Images and Imagery in Macbeth939 Words   |  4 PagesImagery in Macbeth      Ã‚  Ã‚   Darkness, disorder, mayhem, fear, guilt, and hypocrisy are all important themes carried throughout William Shakespeares Macbeth by the effective use of imagery in reference to ill-fitting clothing, blood, and light verses dark. Imagery in this play tiptoes its way though every scene to create a malevolent atmosphere of shame and false pretenses.    The contrast between light and dark during Macbeth clearly relates to the conflict between good andRead More Images, Imagery, Symbols, and Symbolism in Macbeth Essay610 Words   |  3 PagesImagery and Symbolism in Macbeth   Ã‚  Ã‚   In Macbeth, William Shakespeare uses extensive imagery and symbolism throughout the course of his play.   Shakespeare uses this imagery and symbolism so that the reader may gain a deeper understanding and feeling for the happenings of this tragedy.   This is further demonstrated by Shakespeares use of darkness in Macbeth.   As one of the more noticeable and important symbols, darkness represents many different elements in the play.   First and foremost

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Travel Agency Business Plan - 3628 Words

ONE DISCOVERY TRAVEL TOURS Submitted to: Sir Win Maw Tun Submitted by: Lopez, Jennylyn Bargola, Ronel Ortcio, Christy Ann Ascano, Lynette Silva, Janette Gaje, Michelle Jade BS ITTM 4-1 Executive Summary One Discovery Travel and Tours (ONDISTRATOU) will begin operations this year and provide adventure and sport/travel packages to people in the Philippines’ urban area, specifically the greater National Capital Region. An opportunity for ONDISTRATOU s success exists because the national tourism and travel industry is growing at 4%, and adventure travel at 10% annually. ONDISTRATOU is poised to take advantage of this growth and lack of competition with an experienced staff, excellent†¦show more content†¦In an LLP, one partner is not responsible or liable for another partner s misconduct or negligence. Internal Management Team General Manager: Jennylyn Lopez, B.S. International Travel and Tourism Management, Lyceum of the Philippines University Laguna, Shea has 5 years experience in the travel industry, including three years experience as manager of the Pan Malayan travel agency. Her background in adventure sports includes two years on years surfing, and participation in many other adventure and organized sports such as snowboarding, beach volleyball, and track and field. Marketing and Advertising Directors: Ronel Bargola Janette Silva Ronel Bargola, B.S. Marketing, Lyceum of the Philippines University Manila. Ronel spent five years as an adventure travel and freelance writer and has been a marketing consultant specializing in adventure sports for the past three years. Janette Silva, B.S Advertising Management, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, has been an advertising expert for 6 years in Transworld travel agency. She also has background in adventure and ecotourism sports, promoting sustainable tourism in the country. Accountant: Christy Ann Orticio, B.S. Accounting, De La Salle Lipa. Christy is a Certified Public Accountant. Christy worked as an auditor for the Philippine National Bank two years after college and then as an accounting department manager for a non-profitShow MoreRelatedInternational Travel Agency Business Plan8749 Words   |  35 PagesInternational Travel Agency Business Plan Executive Summary Adventure Travel International (ATI) will begin operations this  year  and provide adventure and  sport/travel packages to people in the Pacific Northwest, specifically the greater Woodville area. An opportunity for ATI s success exists because the national tourism and travel industry is growing at 4%, and adventure travel at 10% annually. Further, the Woodville adventure travel market is growing at least 12% annually and there are noRead MoreTravel Agency Supply Chain1173 Words   |  5 PagesSupply Chain in the Travel Industry The travel industry is an industry that is in constant change. 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A significant change in the way the technological trends are occurring would be how the travel industries like hotels or motels are being affected by the way people book their hotel rooms in the 21st century. 1 Technology has come a long way over the last 20 years; we have seen the rise of the internet as well as the rise of cell phones and many othe r types of amazing electronics and gadgets, many of which exist because

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Annoted Bibliography for Professional Development- myassignmenthelp

Question: Write about theAnnoted Bibliography for Professional Development. Answer: 1) Manshaei, M. H., Zhu, Q., Alpcan, T., Bac?ar, T., Hubaux, J. P. (2013). Game theory meets network security and privacy.ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR),45(3), 25. Authors have expressed their deep thoughts on the existing scenario of security and privacy, which is being brought into danger because of the advent of numerous technologies and computer applications. The increasing demand of contemporary business have attracted many software-developing companies to bring newest and updated version of different software in the market. An evident transition from manual works to computerised works has been observed in many companies in particular the multinational companies. In order to be competitive such companies look for various new opportunities in the form of software. Different multinational companies for an example use Enterprise Resource planning (ERP) system to increase their efficiency level in various important works such as sales and accounting related works. ERP provide multitasking capabilities to such companies; however, it also has some security related threats, which the authors have felt with all most computer application nowadays. Software developer can easily access to soft coded region where they can make unwanted changes, which may also be a fatal for the organisational performance. 2) Chen, Z., Han, F., Cao, J., Jiang, X., Chen, S. (2013). Cloud computing-based forensic analysis for collaborative network security management system.Tsinghua science and technology,18(1), 40-50. The use of internet has increased to a new level in nowadays. The advent of e-commerce has enhanced the use of internet to a next level. However, security related issues have now also become common with such advents. The use of e-commerce for various business purposes has enhanced the business success and the standard of customer service. However, on the other hand, it has also become a threatening platform for security related facts. Many customers do not even know that their important information might land into corrupted hands. Different malicious software is being prepared either to corrupt the data stored in the system or to collect the data of customers without giving any prior intimation to the customer. Software developing companies now have enhanced work demands, which include finding solution for the identified threat. Such software developing companies have now developed cloud based security system, which would collect necessary data on the suspicious threat by auctioning remotely from other end. Suspicious threats can now easily be traced with comparatively faster speed. 3) He, X., Chomsiri, T., Nanda, P., Tan, Z. (2014). Improving cloud network security using the Tree-Rule firewall.Future generation computer systems,30, 116-126. The firewall security used in the cloud security system was inefficient in mitigating the effect of threats on a large network. This is because of such reason the developing companies have now produced Tree-Rule firewall, which would be comparatively more secured than the existing firewall system. The latest firewall security has been tested by applying this on the Linux platform. The arrangement was tested on a regular network. The test has shown the validity of the new software. The newly launched platform offered enhanced security and the same has offered an improved functional speed than its predecessor. Additionally, it is easy to be created as well. This can be easily configured within the system without much hassle. Such speciality is more valid at some larger network such as the cloud network. 4) Inukollu, V. N., Arsi, S., Ravuri, S. R. (2014). Security issues associated with big data in cloud computing.International Journal of Network Security Its Applications,6(3), 45. Authors have argued that cloud computing is associated with many other issues and challenges as well. One of such issues is related with the Big Data, which is now largely used by different SMEs, multinational companies and industries. With the help of Big Data, different kinds of companies have enhanced their competitive skills at a larger speed. These software applications have now become a huge resource to enhance the competitiveness. To address this issue, software-developing companies have now become involved in developing solutions at rapid speed. This has also produced competition in between different companies that develops the different software. Big Data tool has a very important role in the output performance of cloud computing. With the help of Big Data, Cloud Computing provides solutions for security, data protection and related infrastructure. Nevertheless, cloud computing with the help of big data has constructed the probability to create promising feature in science. 5) Kumar, V., Jain, A., Barwal, P. N. (2014). Wireless sensor networks: security issues, challenges and solutions.International Journal of Information and Computation Technology (IJICT),4(8), 859-868. According to the authors, wireless sensor networks (WSN) are a promising technology. The emerging prospect for the technology has also brought researcher under ample of pressure for bringing solutions to the challenges that are certain with WSN. It also has wireless communication technology, which is a more threat to the application. One of the basic functions of WSN is to collect data from the physical world. WSN can work in any environment in particular such environment where wire connection is not possible. However, in such cases, the security related threats would also be at high stake. These are often used to sense the information of the targeted physical platform. Moreover, it is a battery-operated device, which has in it a sensor. It is loaded with many features such as communication mechanism and data processing. However, the authors have argued that it comes with many challenges as well. Such challenges would require an extensive work from the research team. References Ahmed, M., Hossain, M. A. (2014). Cloud computing and security issues in the cloud.International Journal of Network Security Its Applications,6(1), 25. Chen, Z., Han, F., Cao, J., Jiang, X., Chen, S. (2013). Cloud computing-based forensic analysis for collaborative network security management system.Tsinghua science and technology,18(1), 40-50. Hashizume, K., Rosado, D. G., Fernndez-Medina, E., Fernandez, E. B. (2013). An analysis of security issues for cloud computing.Journal of Internet Services and Applications,4(1), 5. He, X., Chomsiri, T., Nanda, P., Tan, Z. (2014). Improving cloud network security using the Tree-Rule firewall.Future generation computer systems,30, 116-126. Inukollu, V. N., Arsi, S., Ravuri, S. R. (2014). Security issues associated with big data in cloud computing.International Journal of Network Security Its Applications,6(3), 45. Kumar, V., Jain, A., Barwal, P. N. (2014). Wireless sensor networks: security issues, challenges and solutions.International Journal of Information and Computation Technology (IJICT),4(8), 859-868. Manshaei, M. H., Zhu, Q., Alpcan, T., Bac?ar, T., Hubaux, J. P. (2013). Game theory meets network security and privacy.ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR),45(3), 25. Modi, C., Patel, D., Borisaniya, B., Patel, A., Rajarajan, M. (2013). A survey on security issues and solutions at different layers of Cloud computing.The Journal of Supercomputing,63(2), 561-592. Perlman, R., Kaufman, C. and Speciner, M., (2016).Network security: private communication in a public world. Pearson Education India. Rhodes-Ousley, M., (2013).Information security the complete reference. McGraw Hill Professional. Shin, S., Wang, H., Gu, G. (2015). A first step toward network security virtualization: from concept to prototype.IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,10(10), 2236-2249. Stallings, W., Tahiliani, M. P. (2014).Cryptography and network security: principles and practice(Vol. 6). London: Pearson.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Music of the Baroque free essay sample

Churches used the emotional and theatrical qualities of art to make worship more attractive and appealing. The middle class too, Influenced the development of the baroque style, for example prosperous merchants and doctors commissioned realistic landscapes and scenes from everyday life. 3. Write a paragraph that includes the characteristics of Baroque music. A. Unity of mood Usually expresses one basic mood: what begins joyfully will remain Joyful throughout. Emotional states like Joy, grief, and agitation ere represented.Composers molded a musical language to depict the affections; specific rhythms or melodic patterns were associated with specific moods. B. Rhythm Rhythmic patterns heard at the beginning of a piece are repeated throughout it. This rhythmic continuity provides a compelling drive and energy-the forward motion is rarely interrupted. The beat, for example, is emphasized far more in baroque music than in most Renaissance music. C. Melody There is a continuous expanding, unfolding, and unwinding of melody. We will write a custom essay sample on Music of the Baroque or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This sense of directed motion Is recently the result of a melodic sequence, that Is, successive repetition of a musical idea at higher or lower pitches. Many baroque melodies sound elaborate and ornamental, and they are not easy to sing or remember. It gives an impression of dynamic expansion rather than of balance or symmetry. D. Dynamics The level of volume tends to stay fairly constant for a stretch of time. When the dynamics do shift, the shift is sudden, like physically stepping from one level to another. The main keyboard Instruments of the baroque period were the organ and harpsichord, both ell suited for continuity of dynamics.E. Texture It Is predominantly polyphonic In texture. Usually, the soprano and bass lines are the most Important. Not all-late baroque music was polyphonic, a piece might shift in texture, especially in vocal music, where changes of mood in the words demand musical contrast. F. Chords and the basso continuo Chords gave new prominence to the bass part, which served as the foundation of the harmony. The whole musical structure rested on the bass part. The new emphasis on chords and the bass part resulted in the most characteristic torture of baroque music, an accompaniment called the basso continuo.The basso continuo offered the advantage of emphasizing the all-important bass part, besides providing a steady flow of chords. G. Use of words in the music Baroque composers used music to depict the meaning of specific words. Rising scales represented upward motion; descending scales depicted the reverse. Descending chromatic scales were associated with pain and grief. Composers often emphasized words by writing many rapid notes for a single syllable of text; this technique also displayed a 4. What was the role of music in Baroque society?It served as musical expression for brilliant composers, a source of entertainment for aristocrats, a way of life for musicians and a temporary escape from the routines of daily life for the general public. 5. What was the goal of the group known as the Camera? The Camera wanted to create a new vocal style modeled on the music of ancient Greek tragedy. Since no actual dramatic music had come down to them from the Greeks, they based their theories on literacy accounts that had survived. Ere Camera wanted the vocal line to follow the rhythms and pitch fluctuations of beech. 6.Write a detailed description of each of the following new forms in Baroque music: A. Concerto gross Extended composition for instrumental soloists and orchestra, usually in three movements: (1) Fast, (2) Slow, (3) Fast. B. Fugue Polyphonic composition based on one main theme or subject. C. Opera Drama that IS sung to orchestral accompaniment, usually a large-scale composition employing local soloists, chorus, orchestra, costumes, and society. D. Solo concerto A piece for single soloist and an orchestra. E. Baroque suite A group of dance, usually in the name key, with each piece in the binary form or the ternary form.F. Oratorio Large- scale composition for chorus, vocal soloists, and orchestra, usually set to a narrative text, but without acting, scenery, or costumes; often based on biblical stories. G. Sonata In baroque music, an instrumental composition in several movements for one to eight players. In music after the baroque period, an instrumental composition usually in several movements for one or two players. H. Church cantata Composition in several movements, usually written for chorus, one or more vocal soloists; and orchestra.The church cantata for the Lutheran service in Germany during the Baroque period often includes chorales. 7. Write a complete definition for each of the following terms: A. Movement Piece that sounds fairly complete and independent but is part of a larger composition. B. Libretto Text of an opera written by the librettist (dramatists) and set to music by the composer. C. Aria -Song for solo voice with orchestral accompaniment, usually expressing an emotional state through its outpouring of melody; found in operas, oratorios, and cantatas. D.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Music Review essays

Music Review essays The CD called Stripped by Christina Aguilera is the best Album that she has done so far in her singing career. Christina has gone from a pop-icon to a soulful R Christina is not another Britney Spears. A lot of critics like to compare Christina to Britney. Christinas voice clearly is more mature and powerful then Britney Spears. Also like most performers she sings her songs live which brings out her true talent. Britney on the other hand in my opinion does not impress me at all. Her lyrics are not as personal. Britney does not allow her fans to get up close and personal with her like Christina does. When Christina first released the album Stripped, her first single introduced was a song called Dirrty which misrepresented the rest of her CD. I will have to admit that the song Dirrty is not a favorite song of mine. In fact that is the only song that I never play. The rest of her songs like Beautiful stand out extremely well. Her vocals remind me of Alicia Keys, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey. Christina Aguilera is more grown up and secure with her appearance and most important her voice. This CD is more personal and in touch with Christina. Including her rocky past. She focuses on her abusive father and failed relationships. On track number 19 called Im Ok she tells about her father. The whole song is personal and clearly states her true inner feelings towards her father. She sings about the abuse and how her father hurt Christina and her mother. Bruises fade father but the pain remains the same and I still remember how you kept me so afraid Strength is my mother for all the love ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A-team case Essays

A-team case Essays A-team case Essay A-team case Essay The A-Team was established under a threat from Chinese companies as well as because of the declining demand for premium-priced bicycles In world markets. Under pressure, the cohesion of a group tends to be stronger. Thus Clans and Merriam Industry Co. Ltd (Merriam) decided to put aside their business competition and brought their suppliers together to develop a solution and to regain the reputation of Taiwan bicycle industry. Moreover, although these firms were competitors, the founder of Giant and the founder of Merriam were old friends and both led the bicycle industry in Taiwan. 2. Is there some relevance that the firms were all Taiwanese firms The Corporate Synergy Development Center (CDC), a semi-government agency, was created to assist Taiwanese firms in establishing production networks. It was characterized as a system of production in firms that were simultaneously specialized in a particular task but flexible in serving a wide range of market demands. 3. What kind of activities/mechanisms contributed to the mutual learning among A-Team members Firstly, the coaching team, which composed from Giant, CDC and Toyota Motors, had both the expertise needed and legitimacy. The team was helpful to Introduce TIPS and SIRS. Secondly, an Internal A-Team was formed by each member company to work with other members. It promoted mutual learning. Thirdly, in 2004, more learning and sharing activities were designed for co- development of innovative and high-value bicycles and parts. Thus those activities can teach most Taiwanese firms to learn how to work with others in developing new products. Fourthly, the e-platform was established for all members could work getter as well as the A-Team members and clients to exchanges Information and manage development projects. Finally, A-Team members engaged In monthly visits by consultants from Toyota Motors, discussion sessions, visiting members with good performance in TIPS and presentation by each member every five months. These activities can increase the interaction between individuals in member firms. 4. Is cooperating with a direct competitor (such as between Merriam and Giant) a viable prospect for the A-Team In the long term The Initial success of the A-Team shows hat how companies working together can enhance their competitiveness to counter external threats. The companies In the bicycle Industry in Taiwan know that there Is strong domestic and international demand for their high-end products. This is an implication for companies in other industries and these companies may potentially imitate the moves of the A-Team. 5. Is it okay if one partner gains more from the alliance than others That is okay. If the members gain more knowledge, skills and techniques form the alliance or others, they will be asked to contribute more own quenches and knowledge to others.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Product Market Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Product Market Development - Essay Example Profits generally continue to increase throughout the life cycle caused by industry expertise, economies of scale providing scope to reduce unit costs over time. At growth stage the characteristics are different. After all the market exercises having been done product is recognised by the consumers and demanded at a rapid speed resulting in reduction in cost. Economies of scale are achieved by this time. Sales volume increases quiet high at this stage. When cost is reduced due to economies of scale and sales revenues increases the profitability increases too. Demand factors remaining higher the business tends to increase product prices higher. Once the product is well accepted and becomes a favourite consumer pays the price asked for by the seller. The product acquires a quality image in the minds of consumers and they feel to enjoy a consumer's surplus even at higher price. Simple promotional efforts and advertising help consumers to retain the product in mind that promote the product selling easily. The competition gradually becomes aware of the product and its revenue yielding capacity. They start venturing into the business to get a mark et share and earn profits. The increase in competition exerts pressure in the market thereby reducing the market prices. The product gradually enters into maturity phase. Maturity phase: the business gets a lot of experience in the growth phase. Production volume increases very high. Many competitions enter in to the market arena and put thrust on the product prices and market outlets. The market gradually gets saturated. Extra efforts are employed to retain the sales volume. Prices to lower because of so many products fighting for the same market size. Market share drops that creates pressure on the entire business. Extra marketing efforts, brand differentiation and product diversification with new features have to be introduced costing more to the company. Profit volume tends to lower. Company and its business being old invite demands for higher wages and bonus from workers that put pressure on the profitability of the business. Curtailment in production leading to closure of some departments deprives the company of the benefits of economies of scale. Overall profitability is down and makes the business unsustainable. In course of the growth phase adolescent phase comes which is characterised with high growth and sales volume accompanied by increase in performance and product variance. The product is placed in the star corners of the BCG matrix with high growing sales revenue with offensive product prices. The product is powerful to be offensive and adopts aggressive pricing with a view to create a premium positing in the market to make customers view it as a superior product that can not be matched by the competition. Market growth is accompanied by market fragmentation. This in turn causes competition. But competition in market growth is not less intense compared to the intensity in market maturity. In the growth phase, almost every organization remains in profits because of the growing and greater demand, whereas in maturity, organizations have to struggle for