Thursday, August 27, 2020

My Identity/My School Free Essays

I am a one of a kind person who appreciates the excellence of nature. I value the things around me. Living to the fullest is the thing that I am doing; in this manner offering motivation to others by rewarding them genuinely paying little heed to their race and conventions make me satisfied. We will compose a custom article test on My Identity/My School or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now Like others, I am a friendly individual who appreciates meeting new arrangement of individuals. Meeting and knowing others’ character is an incredible benefit and I discover them supportive in making myself a superior person. As the platitude goes â€Å"no one is an island†, so meeting another individuals gives me more thoughts and perspectives on what life is. There are times when I experience challenges throughout everyday life, I promptly feel that life does not merit living for however when I meet individuals whose issues are convoluted to the point, that is the time I contrast my circumstance with them and understand that I am honored and I ought not surrender and quit quickly on the grounds that there is consistently an answer in each issue. What's more, since people make out of life elements, I ensure that I don't just take care of my body with enhancements to make it solid however just as my soul. I unequivocally accept that my spirit needs something so as to develop and live. I make a point to go to the Sunday church and not just that, I likewise read the expression of God since that is the food of our spirit. Going to chapel and have association with my siblings and sisters in the Lord makes my week complete. I realize I can confront one more week since I am fortified truly as well as profoundly. Then again, so as to make myself dynamic, I also enjoy into various types of sports that can help me solid genuinely. I discover sports exceptionally fascinating on the grounds that it doesn't just empower my body yet it revives my brain in how to play the game. The more I play; the great procedures and methodologies creep in my brain particularly in the event that I play the games with my family. I simply like being with them. It is a positive sentiment to be with your affection ones. No measure of cash can quantify or think about if your family is unblemished and making some great memories all together as one. Playing sports is one of the manners in which we can bond each other as family. Further more, since I am an executive (right hand head) it is my way of thinking to instruct each understudy paying little heed to their experiences; along these lines, every single one of them can find out more and be the most prepare understudy if simply given by the legislature the correct apparatuses of innovation, has a spot favorable for learning, and safe condition. Highlight Article Country School Allen Curnow Ethnic Identity: Beside being an instructor, I am an African American with solid convictions about helping my kindred African American siblings and sisters just as other ethnic gatherings that I experience. Helping other people by instructing them is such a respectable work. I might want to have them great training as I have. Giving them great training can make them serious in each try they are in. It doesn't imply that I am an African American I can't as of now do the things which others do. Truth be told, my ethnicity isn't an obstacle to be an effective teacher. My ethnicity isn't an issue in making me fruitful throughout everyday life. I need others understand particularly the individuals who look themselves as mediocre compared to stand firm of what they put stock in. I might want to move them that through instruction, they can make their lives productive and achievement is simply on their hands in the event that they will proceed in teaching themselves. In addition, I might want to instill to the youthful students that great instruction is the main riches our folks leave that no one can grab or take it away from us. Also, I would rouse them by revealing to them that our status and ethnicity in life can't upset our fantasies to have great training and to be taught. School Community: The school I plan to make is a spot that is sheltered and helpful for all students. I need that school to be well-furnish with materials identified with the learning territories of the understudies. Since school exercises are social exercises, we should investigate the standard found in grown-up society as a guide in laying the reason for routine in study hall association and control. A significant part of the subtleties of giving a decent work space can be routinized. There ought to be where to put things off the beaten path, and everybody in the room should know where every thing goes. Routine ought to simply help, in setting before the students, open doors for instructive experience. The capacity to set up routine and to adjust appropriately to it is in itself a beneficial and fundamental result of instruction. The multifaceted nature of the cutting edge school, framework calls for more routinization of our study hall system. It is, subsequently, exceedingly significant for the instructor to figure out what homeroom exercises ought to be routinized and made into propensities. The instructor will discover the undertaking a lot simpler if the students are brought to see and see completely the estimation of schedule. In like manner, he should make it a point he wishes to create. Certain homeroom exercises ought to be led in the best method to permit more opportunity for fundamental learning exercises. It is in this manner important that every day exercises can be transformed into propensities to encourage speed and keep away from exercise in futility. This is time-and-nerve-sparing, and it is likewise acceptable instruction Routinizing certain exercises has a further an incentive in that it forestalls disarray and spares time. Disarray decreases the viability of learning exercises. Routinizing additionally helps in keeping the consideration of the students upon their work. The accompanying should make up routine action. In the event that considering discipline the instructor must recollect that he is continually confronted with two conduct problemsâ€one is the issue of what to never really mind of the prompt circumstance. This is the one tow which the educator commonly gives relative overemphasis. The other issue is the one of envisioning the long-lasting personal conduct standards that the educator is attempting to create in the student. The student should likewise be assisted with sorting out long-term needs and objectives and furthermore imagine the practices that are probably going to assist him with accomplishing these objectives. In not exclusively to design present conduct to meet step by step circumstances, however should likewise have a dream of the objectives of his conduct later on that will be generally fulfilling. Educators must assist students with working on utilizing both prompt and remote outcomes, especially the last since these are progressively hard to see.            Step by step instructions to refer to My Identity/My School, Essay models

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Nostradamus Essay -- essays research papers fc

Nostradamus      In the sixteenth century, a French specialist and prophet, Michel de Nostradame, was conceived. He picked up his acclaim when his expectations of the passing of King Henry II of France materialized. Nostradamus, as he is likewise known, composed a ten volume book, The Centuries, loaded up with predictions. He turned into a man that individuals from everywhere throughout the world came to see to look for his insight. Nostradamus had an actual existence loaded up with numerous exciting bends in the road and has made numerous predictions that have worked out as expected during the twentieth century.      His granddads were the main individuals to see his presentation of ability for prediction when Nostradamus was extremely youthful. His granddads showed him a wide scope of subjects: old style writing, history, medication, crystal gazing, and natural people medication. At fourteen years old, he went to concentrate in the city of Avignon. In 1522, at nineteen years old, he took a crack at the University of Montpellier as a clinical understudy. After just three years, he passed the oral and composed assessments for his degree (Hogue 12-5).      With his medication permit in his grasp, Nostradamus went to rehearse in the open country, far away from his educators. During the 1500’s, Southern France experienced an interminable type of the bubonic plague. Nostradamus began going to torment stricken family units to attempt to support the wiped out. He finished the plague Southern France and he never left a town until everybody debilitated was well (Hogue 15).      Nostradamus was additionally an ace crystal gazer who contemplated the developments of the stars and planets corresponding to one another. He accepted his endowment of sight had â€Å"divine intervention.† He was searched out by affluent residents to reveal to them their horoscopes â€Å"and by their spouses for his recommendation on cosmetics.† (Hogue 15). He composed a book on the specialists and drug specialists he met all through his movements in Southern Europe. He would remain with some of them during the day helping them mend the wiped out. Around evening time, he turned into their understudy.      In 1529, Nostradamus came back to Montpellier for his doctorate certificate. After this he chose to set up a progressively perpetual practice in 1534 in Toulouse. He at that point chose to move to the town of Agen. He before long turned into the town of Agen’s most qualified single guy. In Agen, he wedded and had two youngsters, a kid and a young lady. It was ... cash without having any gold and silver to back it up. Some vibe this has been satisfied and potentially will be satisfied again later on. (Hogue 149.)      November 22, 1963. The death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) in Dallas, Texas. Nostradamus not just observed the demise of a man who could have been America’s most prominent pioneer, however he additionally observed occasions and individuals that nobody today is sure of, the executioners. He gives indicates that JFK was to be an incredible president. One quatrain portrays Kennedy as a two term president.      Nostradamus drove an exceptionally intriguing life. I for one accept that he was a superb man and could truly observe into what's to come. Peruse his quatrains and you also will be persuaded that this man anticipated even a portion of the occasions that have happened in mine and your lifetimes, during the twentieth century. 6 Works Cited Hogue, John. Nostradamus and the Millennium. New York: Doubleday and Company,      Inc., 1987. Roberts, Henry C. The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus. New York: Nostradamus,      Inc., 1979.  â â â â

Friday, August 21, 2020

Rehash an oldie but goodie whats my status COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Rehash an oldie but goodie… what’s my status COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog We get several inquiries from applicants each year asking about the status of their application…   I would wonder too if I had to wait weeks (sometimes months â€" depending on when you submitted your application) for an admission decision that could change my future plans… hopefully for the better. Instead of reinventing the wheel, we bring back to you an old post that’s definitely still applicable to this year that provides some tips on tracking your application. Tracking your application … after it’s been submitted. Please note that you cannot change any information on your application after it has been submitted.   Also, the date the application is recorded complete in our system has no impact on the admission decision.    What does matter is that all required application information is submitted by the deadline. Do not panic if you log in after you have submitted your application and see that it is not marked as complete.   It is normal for us NOT to have all applications completed for up to three weeks past the deadline.   We manually review each application for completion and this takes time. The application deadline is not the start and end date of when files are reviewed.   Applications are not all read at the same time â€" it’s just physically not possible.   The Committee reviews and discusses files until the end of our cycle.   So don’t worry if your application status does not indicate “COMPLETE” on February 5th.   If there is an issue with your application that needs to be addressed  we will contact you. Now on to the visuals . . . Scenario 1:   You Are Working on Your Application but Have Not Submitted It Let us start with what you see when you log in to the application system while your application is in progress and has not been submitted. Below is what you will see when you log in.   Note that next to Submission Status it says  â€œNot Submitted”  (at the end of the red arrow).   In this example, the applicant has also entered the names of the three recommenders and they are displayed, along with the status.     Scenario 2:   You Have Submitted Your Application When you log into your application after it has been submitted, the main page will show the message  â€œSubmission Status: Submitted”  (see arrow #1). You will also notice in this example that one letter of recommendation has been submitted (see arrow #2). At this point no documents will show up.   Do not worry; this is because we have not printed your application yet. Scenario 3:   We Print Your Application â€" This Does Not Typically Happen the Same Day You Submit The next step that will occur is that we will print (yes, PRINT) your application for review.   It can take up to 15 days for us to print your application after it has been submitted.    Please do not panic if your application has not been printed.  The important thing is that your application is submitted by the deadline. If you look at this next picture you will notice two changes from the picture above. First, the status has changed to  â€œApplication Printed â€" Manual Review of All Information Submitted In Progress”  (see the red arrow #1). Second, arrow #2 shows that we have not marked your application as complete because we have not finished our manual review.   We need to make sure we can read your transcripts for example. Third, you will notice that transcripts, test scores, and other supporting documents now appear (see red arrow #3).    Please note that the default status for the following documents, if you uploaded a document, at the time your application is printed is “Received â€" Official” Academic Resume International Fellows Program Essay Personal Statement Standard/CV Resume We find that the vast majority of our applicants submit documents that are legible and complete so the default status is  â€œReceived â€" Official.”  Do note that in some cases there are issues with these documents and if so, we will contact you.  Special Note:  the IFP, Lemann, and Harriman statements are not mandatory so if you did not submit a statement, your status may show: Not Applicable, Not Received, or Waived. Above the “Other Supporting Documents” section you will see test scores and transcripts.    Please note that the default status for the test scores and transcript(s) when your application is printed is “Not Received” â€" even if you self-reported/entered your scores.   This is the same for transcripts.   We will perform a manual check to make sure we have all of the information we need and track any missing items.   If there is an issue we will contact you. Please note we do not verify official test reports until after admission offers are made â€"WE ONLY USE SELF-REPORTED SCORES  to make admission decisions so please do not contact us now to see if we have your official scores on file. In the above example the native language of the applicant is English so TOEFL is marked “Not Applicable.”   If English is your second language this will read “Not Received”. The last comment for this example is, please ignore the message on the bottom near arrow #4 that says “Submission Status: Not Submitted.”   It references a part of the application we no longer use but it is hard coded into the system and cannot be changed â€" it means nothing.  Scenario 4:   Complete â€" All Documents Tracked But Not Sent to Committee This next picture shows that we have everything we need.   All the letters are submitted.    Your unofficial transcripts and self-reported test scores are in the system and used for admission review.   However the status shows “Incomplete”  and above that you will notice is still says “Manual Review of All Information Submitted in Progress.” Once a final sign off is given then the file is sent to the Committee.   This example is awaiting the sign off. Scenario 5:   Complete . . . But with a Question This next shot shows you the message “Documents still pending â€" Application is Under Review” with the Application Status below that reads “Complete.” This is a case when we have everything we need, however there may be an issue we feel we need to resolve before the file is sent to the Committee.   This may be an internal application processing flag.   There is no need for you to contact us if this is your status.   If we have a concern, we will contact you directly.  Scenario 6:   Complete â€" Sent to Committee! This final shot is when you know your application has been sent to Committee.   You will also receive an email from us when your file is complete in case you do not want to compulsively log into the system to keep checking the status! You can see on the top that it states “Application Complete â€" No additional documents.”    As a reminder, please ignore the submission status at the bottom.   It has nothing to do with your application, so ignore it. Thank you for your patience as we work to process several thousand files in a short period of time.   If documents were submitted by mail it will likely take us longer to complete your file. Just one final reminder if you missed last week’s post… The fall 2013 application deadline has been extended to February 5th â€" so if you need more time to pull together your application, you got it.   However, if you wish to be considered for one of coveted first year fellowships, please make sure you complete and submit your application by January 5th.   Applicants, who submit after the January 5th deadline, may submit a separate scholarship application for one of the 13 SIPA Named Scholarships offered. Good luck!   We’re looking forward to reviewing your application.